for hazardous and biological substances
Virtual reality studies in the SUTAVE laboratory of IFA
CUELA system for workplace measurements
Measuring and minimizing exposures
Heat, extreme weather and other aspects of climate change have an impact on the health and safety of employees, children and students. The transition to a green industry is also changing the world of work. The IFA pools expertise on climate change related topics by means of its Competence Center for Climate Change and Occupational Safety and Health (KKA).
The database 'GESTIS - International Limit Values for Chemical Agents' (GESTIS-ILV) is a compilation of occupational exposure limits for hazardous substances based on (at present) 35 lists of limit values sourced from 29 countries. It has just been technically modernized and is now even easier to use.
Where is the greatest uncertainty in the measurement process? For validated methods of hazardous substance analysis, new IFA software takes a closer look at questions like this: MUST, the Measurement Uncertainty Service Tool.
Work place or everyday life, person with or without an implant - depending on the situation, different permissible exposure values apply to electromagnetic fields. A new IFA web application helps with orientation: the Limit Info Tool for Electromagnetic Fields (EMF-LIT).
The International Standardization Organization (ISO) has revised and modernized the basic safety standard for machine control systems. An IFA overview presents the main changes and provides recommendations for interpretation.
GESTIS information system provides various information on hazardous substances at the workplace.
SISTEMA software assistent, a tool for selecting hearing protectors and other noise related software are provided by IFA.
The digitalization of the world of work, Work 4.0, is creating new framework conditions for occupational health and safety. The IFA also is researching, testing and advising on issues arising from the digital transformation.
IFA is member of the Partnership for European Research in Occcupational Safety and Health (PEROSH)
Chemical protective gloves
GESTIS database on hazardous substances
Nanoparticles at workplaces
Checklist for electrical equipment
Collaborative robots (COBOTS)
Safe laser printers and copiers
Software-Assistent SISTEMA
Virtual reality and OSH
Proficiency testing 2024
Further events
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