completed 12/2023
Stoffenmanager® is a quantitative inhalation exposure tool for OSH and REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals), (inter)nationally recognized by local governments and the European Union (EU). Three novel generic models to quantitatively predict exposure to respirable dust and respirable quartz were developed, aiming to protect workers from associated health risks within formulating, metal manufacturing and construction industries.
Exposure data including comprehensive contextual information were extracted from the exposure database MEGA of the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health oft he German Social Accident Insurance (IFA). Stoffenmanager® scores were calculated for the measurement values. For each quantitative model exposure data were segregated into calibration and validation datasets. Subsequently, mixed effect models were applied to derive quantitative regression equations. Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated to study the relation between concentrations estimated with use of new regression equations and measured exposure concentrations.
A total of approximately 8,000 good quality exposure measurements were extracted for all three models. Stoffenmanager® scores were compared with exposure measurements and the calculated spearman coefficients showed a positive relationship for all algorithms. Correlations between observed and estimated exposures ranged between r=0.40 and r=0.71. Proportions of measurements above the 50th and 90th percentile were calculated, as a measure for conservatism of the models. They varied around 50% and 10% respectively.
Discussion and conclusion:
The substantial amount of exposure data, the good correlation and the level of conservatism indicate that the three innovative models are sufficient to be implemented in GESTIS-Stoffenmanager® to expand its applicability domain. The new models serve to improve workers’ health by reducing occupational exposure to respirable dust and quartz.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:dangerous substances
Catchwords:exposure, risk assessment, limit value
Description, key words:GESTIS, Stoffenmanager, respirable, dust