completed 03/1993
Demolition, renovation and repair work involving exposure to asbestos may lead to very high concentrations of asbestos fibres arising in the atmosphere inhaled by the employees involved. In order to reduce the exposure arising during removal of the core bricks of electric storage heaters containing asbestos, the objective of the project was to develop a procedure in which the release of asbestos fibres is reduced considerably by the application of technical and organizational measures.
A standardized regulation for the procedure was first described. Hazardous substance measurements were then performed during and following application of the regulations in order to demonstrate the success of the remediation measure. The issue was discussed and conclusions were reached in the Working Group responsible for asbestos exposure during demolition, renovation and repair work.
The Working Group responsible for asbestos exposure during demolition, renovation and repair work classified the procedure as a procedure involving low exposure to asbestos during demolition, renovation and repair work in accordance with Technical Rule for Hazardous Substances TRGS 519. The verified procedure involving low exposure to asbestos was added to BG Information BGI 664, which governs procedures involving low exposure to asbestos during demolition, renovation and repair work. Where the verified procedure is followed, certain protective measures specified in TRGS 519 are not required. These measures include the use of personal protective equipment, occupational medical check-ups, and in-process asbestos fibre measurements.
Further informations:
Type of hazard:Gefahrstoffe, Arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen
Catchwords:Arbeitsumwelt (Belastungen, Gefährdungen, Expositionen, Risiken), Chemische Arbeitsstoffe, Exposition
Description, key words:verified procedure, asbestos exposure, electric storage heater, asbestos remediation, demolition, renovation and repair work, glove bag procedure, glove box system, TRGS 519, asbestos, working conditions involving low exposure