completed 02/1999
In the past, technological research projects have proven the efficiency of HSC processing for individual production sectors (e.g. aircraft building, tool manufacture, mould making). By using HSC machine tools (HSC machines), it is possible to shorten the main times of manufacture due to the considerable increase of cutting and feed speeds. Up to now, the results and enquiries in industry confirm the expectation that this technology will experience an even wider use in the future. However, HSC machines represent not only a considerable potential for innovation but also a greater risk potential for machine users and environment. The use of HSC processing touches technological, organizational and also personal aspects of job design which were investigated more closely in the context of the relationship between manufacturer and user.
It is the aim of the research project to ensure the preventive occupational safety and health protection during high speed processing both regarding development of HSC technology and its in-plant use.
The project was treated by the research association within the framework of an integrating project approach in order to ensure the consideration of the interrelation between the technological, work-organizational and personal aspects of the issue. The individual work packages comprised the following activities: analyses, concepts for action and layout, test stands/examination; optimization of the working equipment; concepts and qualification for working equipment; empirical evaluation; layout directives and test regulations; coordination and implementation.
As most important result of the performed investigation, it has to be captured that with the HSK (drilled shank pin) the user has a very effective and safe interface which is excellently suited for applications in the HSC sector (high speed machine tools). Apart from that, the parameters quoted in this project are supposed to give an aid for the optimum in-plant use in order to ensure a safe processing also at high speeds.
Further informations:
mechanical engineering
Type of hazard:Arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren, Arbeitsorganisation/-schutzmanagement, Gestaltung von Arbeit und Technik
Catchwords:Arbeitsschutzsystem, Gestaltung von Anlagen und Verfahren
Description, key words:high-speed processing, concept for worker protection and occupational health, technical, organisational and personal aspects of the use of HSC (high speed cutting), reciprocal action of the working environment influences, job organization