Accidents due to slipping, tripping and falling in the butcher's trade - Partial project: development of a measuring method for work process analysis

Project No. BIA 4076


completed 08/1998


A look at the accident statistics reveals a large share of tripping, slipping and falling accidents in the total number of accidents. To conceive efficient prevention approaches it is necessary to identify the main accident-triggering factors. To estimate the relative accident risk it is also inevitable to analyse the motion profile and determine the duration of stay (in different places) for different occupations and functions.


To realise a time study relating to the individual duration of stay a measuring system was developed which does not affect the normal work process. Its very first application and thus its field test took place in five selected enterprises - small and medium ones - of the butcher's trade. One-week- measurements were conducted there including five persons per enterprise with different tasks; their motion profiles and the time spent by them in the various enterprise locations - divided into workplaces and functional locations - were registered and evaluated.


Development of a measurement technique and method to objectively determine the frequency of place changes and the duration of stay in the various locations. In connection with an analysis of the accident statistics, these measuring results help identify locations and situations of increased risk. The results show that the floor/footwear system is in need of improvement. A second approach could consist in taking suitable constructive and organisational measures to make changes from one place to another safer.

Further informations:

Last Update:

5 Mar 2002


Financed by:
  • Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften (HVBG)
Research institution(s):
  • Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit - BIA

food industry

Type of hazard:

design of work and technology


Arbeitsunfall, Gefährdungsbeurteilung, Sturz- und Absturzgefährdung

Description, key words:

risk analysis, frequent change of place, duration of stay, system for localising persons, small and medium enterprises, butcher's trade, accident analysis, falling accidents, slipping accidents, tripping accidents, measuring method, measuring process
