Process analysis and recommendations for the practical application of circumstance-oriented student surveys for health-promoting improvement of study conditions (using the example of the Bielefeld Questionnaire)

Project No. FF-FP 0490




The project aims to develop action and process recommendations to empower higher education institutions (e.g. universities) to independently and autonomously conduct circumstance-oriented student surveys for the health improvement of study conditions. The goal is to derive data-driven structural measures and fulfill the legal obligation for Psychological Hazard Assessment (GBPsych) at study locations. The following research questions will be addressed:

  1. Which connections exist between the framework and study conditions at higher education institutions and the (mental) health of students, considering characteristics that are specific to the context of these institutions?
  2. How can vulnerable student groups be characterized, necessitating specific preventive measures?
  3. Which thematic blocks, identified through data, can be considered core elements of the Bielefeld Questionnaire, forming a foundation for segmenting future surveys?


The joint project is divided into three subprojects, comprising a total of four work packages (AP). Subproject 1 aims to provide qualitative data for deriving action recommendations. In AP 1 of this subproject, challenges/success-critical factors are identified through qualitative interviews with key individuals at higher education institutions, and these are addressed in solution-focused workshops in AP 2. Subproject 2 includes the quantitative study phase, where further statistical analyses of the dataset generated in the predecessor project "StudiBiFra" are conducted in AP 3. These analyses primarily focus on identifying areas for prevention and relevant target groups. In Subproject 3, the results from subprojects 1 and 2 are consolidated. The AP 4 located there involves synthesizing the generated qualitative and quantitative data to develop action and process recommendations ("roadmap").

Last Update:

8 Mar 2024


Financed by:
  • Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e. V. (DGUV)
Research institution(s):
  • Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Universität Bielefeld

education, science

Type of hazard:

mental stress factors


education, mental strain/stress, prevention

Description, key words:

student surveys, study conditions, Bielefeld Questionnaire

Further information