Analysis of the state of engineering in the field of low noise nozzles

Project No. BIA 4070


completed 12/1997


Working with pneumatic nozzles often means high noise exposure for the user which can be considerably reduced by using low noise nozzles. The project was aimed to determine the state of engineering in the field of low noise nozzles and to draw up tables enabling companies to directly choose adequate nozzles.


The BIA tested 60 types of low noise nozzles and 7 types of low noise blast pistols and compared them with 7 single-jet injection nozzles. All nozzles were investigated within a pressure range of 2 to 8 bar. Also the air consumption, the produced blowing power and the sound pressure level were determined under different conditions.


With a blowing power of 1N to 15N, the low noise nozzles show level reductions of max. 8 to 15 dB(A) compared with the single-jet injection nozzles. Level reductions of max. 18 to 27 dB(A) are reached with volume flows of 20 to 150 m³/h. Companies can refer to the published test results and choose the adequate type of nozzle meeting the individual operational parameters.

Further informations:

Last Update:

3 May 2000


Financed by:
  • Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften - HVBG
Research institution(s):
  • Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit - BIA

-cross sectoral-

Type of hazard:



Arbeitsmittel, Druckluft, Lärm

Description, key words:

low noise nozzles, single-jet injection nozzle, blowing power, volume flow, sound level
