Declaration of Accessibility

for the Measuring Uncertainity Service Tool (MUST)

The Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA) makes every effort to ensure that its software applications are accessible in accordance with the provisions of the German Federal Disability Discrimination and General Equal Treatment Act (BGG) and the Ordinance on Accessibility in Information Technology (BITV 2.0), which implements Directive (EU) 2016/2102.

This accessibility declaration (latest version: 12.05.2023) applies to the version of the for the Measuring Uncertainity Service Tool (MUST) currently available in the internet.

Conformity status

The accessibility requirements derive from Sections 3 (1) to (4) and 4 of the BITV 2.0, which was adopted in accordance with Section 12d of the BGG.

The review of compliance with the requirements is based on an internal assessment conducted on 3.

The assessment shows the software to be consistent only in part with the requirements referred to above.

In what respect is the software not accessible?

  • MUST needs to be operated with use of a mouse.
  • MUST contains no audio or video material.
  • Visually impaired people can use the Windows screen magnifier to enlarge the display.
  • MUST is expert software from the IFA. It therefore requires specialist knowledge in the field of hazardous substance analysis and mathematics. The software is designed for a small group of users with appropriate knowledge and is not intended for people with cognitive impairments
  • The MUST software and the associated help texts are not available in plain language.
  • The MUST software and the associated help texts are not available in sign language.

Date of the declaration

This declaration was produced on 12.05.2023.

Reporting obstacles to accessibility: contacting persons responsible for feedback

Do you wish to inform us of obstacles to access, or ask us for information on implementing accessibility? If so, please send your feedback and any further information to this email address: .