"Med 24" - Study on the cutaneous tolerance of different cleaners and on the protective effect of skin protectants

Project No. VMBG 06#025




In the metal-working industry, skin diseases continue to play an important role. Often the sole protective measure consists in the use of skin protectants. Up to the present, the effectiveness of skin protectants and skin protection concepts still fails to be sufficiently examined. However, as far as the effectiveness of skin protectants is concerned, there are only manufacturer's specifications available. In many fields of activity, relevant issues such as the quality of the ingredients and the frequency of application of the skin protectants as well as the acceptance of skin protectants in the company life still are widely unanswered. Despite numerous efforts, particularly during the past years, the number of job-related skin diseases continues to be high (about 20.000 occupational disease notifications per year in Germany). The optimization of the hitherto existing preventive measures to prevent job-related skin diseases is a promising approach to a marked reduction of the diseases. Up to the present, there is no objectifiable proof of effectiveness of skin protectants which takes into account the real workplace conditions.

Therefore, it is the objective of the campaign's study series to carry out an intervention study with randomization in different study groups in order to compare, under standardized conditions (climatic chamber), a defined skin protection concept to the actual state within the company. It is also the objective to use the study results to propose criteria a skin protectant should fulfil under special occupational strains with regard to effectiveness and applicability.


- Development and examination of objectifiable (measurable) and reproducible criteria relating to the effect of skin protectants
- Consideration of the exposure and individual factors involved in the effectiveness of skin protection
- Assessment of the examined skin protection concept
- Proposals to enhance prevention in the in-company skin protection


Final results are expected in spring 2008.

Last Update:

24 May 2007


Financed by:
  • VMBG - Vereinigung der Metall-Berufsgenossenschaften
  • Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmittel- und Gaststätten
  • Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft
  • Berufsgenossenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut für Arbeitsmedizin (BGFA)
Research institution(s):
  • Berufsgenossenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut für Arbeitsmedizin (BGFA)

metal working

Type of hazard:

Arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen, Gefahrstoffe


Allergisierende Stoffe, Hauterkrankungen (außer Krebserkrankungen), Prävention

Description, key words:

allergizing substances, skin diseases (except skin cancer), prevention, job-related skin diseases, metal-working industry, skin protectants