completed 02/2014
A new method for the risk assessment of occupational activities with hazardous substances combines models of both occupational and fire safety engineering to determinate the exposure. The research project focussed on the validation of this method and its applicability regarding the requirements of the German "Gefahrstoffverordnung" (Hazardous Substances Ordinance). For this purpose the interaction of the applied models and the accuracy of the computation had to be tested and identified, further possible applications, preconditions and limitations had to be defined.
The determination of accuracy and potential applications of the new concepted calculation method was carried out on comparisons of measured data with calculated results. At first the pure substances propane (gaseous) and isopropanol (liquid) were emitted in a defined room and under changing conditions to measure the resulting air concentrations. Subsequently measured data were used as input parameters for the calculations. Known data and parameters with maybe limited accuracy were varied and modificated.
The results of comparisons and assessments for certain modules (captures of emission by evaporation resp. spreading of substances in air) and for the complete calculation method are - limited verification of assumed accuracy of the concepted calculation method for differend conditions (i.e. room ventilation, emission parameters) and underestimations of releasing conditions; - compliance of calculated results for spreading in air with measured data under defined conditions resulting in the applicability of spreading model (module to capture the spreading of substances in air) in occupational health and safety studies ensues under restricted preconditions; - derivation of model sensitivities and requirements for practical application of the calculation method; - verification of methodical conception of the complete calculation method and formal-functional correctness of module-conjunctions; - formulation of an application range where the new calculation method is applicable to quantify the spreading of substances in air; - summary of required preconditions for practical application of the calculation method that restrict the general usage; - description of potential applications in occupational health and safety studies.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:dangerous substances
Catchwords:risk assessment, chemical working substances, analytical methods
Description, key words:Validation, calculation, risk assessment, hazardous substances