QM-Mark of DGUV Test
Source: © DGUV Test
Besides the certification of products, the certification of quality management systems (QM systems) to the international standard ISO 9001 is gaining in importance. By means of a QM system, a company can improve its customers satisfaction by optimizing the processes in its plant, and thus also the product quality.
The testing and certification bodies of DGUV Test assist companies that are in the process of establishing a QM system from the start, by information on setting up such systems, and by the subsequent auditing and certification. Great emphasis is laid on not having a QM system lead to standardized corporate structures. The individual processes in the company, and its specific characteristics, which have usually proven themselves over years or decades, should be preserved as much as possible, and optimized in addition.
The DGUV Test testing and certification bodies have more than 120 trained specialist auditors and assessors on call. Their competence as certification bodies for QM systems has been confirmed by the Zentralstelle für Länder für Sicherheitstechnik (ZLS), in the context of their work in granting the GS mark (Equipment and Product Safety Act).