Measuring method for sound reduction by distance doubling

Project No. BIA 4040


completed 04/1988


Increased noise levels may be the result of unfavourably designed surfaces in rooms with non-isolated production zones. This is why the German accident prevention regulation relating to "Noise" calls for an adapted surface design as long as the rating level which represents the daily noise exposure dose exceeds the applying limit value. The latter case is described by quantified criteria which need to be checked by use of a special measuring method. The project was aimed to develop a generally applicable measuring method based on the various acoustic measures suggested by the Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit - BIA in a large number of cases.


The evaluation and determination of the acoustic quality of production halls is based on the reduction of sound propagation per distance doubling from a point test sound source. It is a global measure for the achieved reduction of sound reflection. In addition, a simple method is suggested which serves to determine the sound level increase at individual machinery workplaces as a result of sound reflection.


Both measuring methods - the first to determine the mean sound propagation reduction by distance doubling as a global evaluation criteria of the room, the second to measure the reflection-induced sound level increase related to the noise of the individual workplaces - are described in an information leaflet on noise protection. This leaflet is referred to in the regulations implementing § 5 of the German accident prevention regulation "Noise".

Further informations:

Last Update:

27 Dec 1999


Financed by:
  • Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften - HVBG
Research institution(s):
  • Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit - BIA

-cross sectoral-

Type of hazard:

Arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen, Arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren, Lärm/Vibrationen


Arbeitsplatzgestaltung, Lärm, Messverfahren

Description, key words:

production hall, production room, sound propagation, sound reflection, working zone, noise effect, workplace, rating
