Health and safety with questionnaire of Bielefeld - stress analysis - evaluation of measures - prevention

Project No. FF-FP 0398


completed 09/2019


Subproject Building a comprehensive database:

  • Creating a Benchmarking, which allows the participating higher education organizations to compare their results from their job hazard analysis for psychological re-sources, stresses and strains with those of others.
  • Investigation of central factors for occupational stress and factors that promote health in higher education organizations.
  • Developing a system to assess the results of a single job hazard analysis for psychological resources, stresses and strains and to deduce suitable measures for the higher education organization.

Subproject Documentation, testing, and evaluation of suitable measures:
Finding target-group-specific measures to reduce occupational stress and promote a healthy working environment.

Subproject Networking and interconnection of the institutional players in the participating organizations:
Creating a network to enable exchange and communication about best practice examples and lessons learned by the institutional players involved.

Subproject Adjustment of the instrument for students:
Developing, validation, and testing of an analogous instrument suitable for students


  • Interrogation of professors, academic staff, and the employees in the administration of 16 "(Fach-)Hochschulen" and 15 universities in 12 federate states of Germany (in total data from 22.869 people, 17.613 from universities, and 5.256 from "(Fach-) Hochschulen"; Integration of the existing data in a comprehensive database.
  • Creating a Benchmarking (weighted and unweighted) for univariate, multivariate statistics, and multiple linear regressions.
  • Collecting and systematization of all measures taken in the participating higher education organizations.
  • Exchange and communication of the most successful measures.
  • Inviting to various networking events and building up an e-mail distribution list.
  • Interviews with experts, Pretest in two higher education organizations (206 participants), and statistic validation.


The comprehensive database was build. Thereof central factors for occupational stress and resources in the working environment could be identified for all involved target groups, and the two different types of organizations. Furthermore, central factors for the four different dimensions of psychological health asked in the questionnaire were identified. Moreover, the basic model of the questionnaire (based on Badura et al. 2013) and thereby the relevance of collaboration, leadership and the culture of a higher education organization and its schools, departments and divisions was proved. The database also provides a benchmark for all participating organizations and is available for further research activities e.g. from the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV).

A database in excel was established which provides a helpful structure categorizing the measures taken in the participating organizations. We also provide a list of measures taken for the network members so they can inspire and learn from each other. The network is consists of more than 40 higher education organizations and includes diverse institutional players such as vice presidents/chancellors, and agents from human re-source management, occupational safety and health, and workplace health management. The network is in a regular and continuous communication. Also, the University of Bielefeld will continue organizing these networking events on a regular basis in the future – even when the project period funded by the DGUV has ended.

The questionnaire to investigate the psycho-logical stresses and resources of students is developed, tested, validated and therefore available and disposed to use ("Bielefelder Questionnaire about conditions of studying").

Last Update:

13 May 2020


Financed by:
  • Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e. V. (DGUV)
Research institution(s):
  • Universität Bielefeld

education, science

Type of hazard:

mental stress factors


prevention, risk assessment, occupational health and safety organisation

Description, key words:

Psychic stress risk assessment, universities, Bielefelder Fragebogen (Questionnaire), measure of occupational safety and health