completed 12/2011
Epidemiological studies have shown that combined exposure to unfavourable body postures and whole-body vibration can impact negatively upon health. These forms of exposure may arise for example during driving of the following vehicles: earthmoving machinery (e.g. excavator loaders), industrial trucks (e.g. fork-lift trucks, low-level pallet trucks), cranes. With the CUELA-WBV (Whole Body Vibration) system developed by the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (IFA) of the German Social Accident Insurance, these forms of exposure can now be recorded simultaneously. Application of the measurement system in 2007 and 2008 and the ongoing pooling of experience with the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions (BGHW and BGM) has resulted in further requirements being formulated for the measurement technology and analysis software. Application entails recording of the torsion of the back and neck. Further modules were also to be programmed for analysis of the combined exposure.
Fitting of the CUELA-WBV (Whole Body Vibration) system to the body was optimized, and new sensors were developed for the torsion of the back and neck. These sensors are to be immune to influence from the leaning of a seated test subject against the backrest. The analysis software was adapted to the additional sensors. The analysis of the combined exposures of body postures and whole-body vibration was to be extended and optimized in conjunction with the BGHW and foreign partners. Joint measurements were also conducted and papers published for this purpose. The data recorded and analysed in this way were compiled in a database, see: IFA Project 4156, "Formatting of data from simultaneous measurements of whole-body vibration and posture".
The sensors developed in the project for recording of the torsional movements of the back and neck in seated test subjects are now ready for use in field measurements. The analysis software of the CUELA-WBV (Whole Body Vibration) system was extended in order to permit processing and analysis of data from the additional sensors. In the process, guideline values were identified in standards and the scientific literature for evaluation of the combined exposure, and implemented in the software. Field measurements were performed in the project and their results used in consultations with companies and in the course of scientific studies for further development of the analysis of combined exposure to vibration and unfavourable body posture (FP 293).
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:work-related diseases, work-related health hazards, noise/vibrations
Catchwords:ergonomics, physical factors, prevention
Description, key words:unfavourable body posture, whole-body vibration, combined stresses