In order to model the mode of action of inflammatory particles, the Particle-Induced Cell Migration Assay (PICMA) was developed at the Institute for Prevention and Occupational Medicine (IPA). The test displays acute inflammatory particle effects with high differentiation, sensitivity and reproducibility, and permits classification of particles into those without effect, with medium and with strong effect.
Examination of further particles and comparison with animal and human data will be used to test the transferability of the PICMA results.
Furthermore, parameters used as measures of inflammatory processes in animal or human studies can be confirmed experimentally by means of PICMA. Early non-toxic effects, indicating particle effects which in the case of chronic exposure may result in serious diseases, can be identified by means of this new method.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:work-related health hazards, dangerous substances
Catchwords:dust, fibers, particles
Description, key words:occupational health risks, hazardous substances, dust, fibers, particles