Workshop "Prevention of physical inactivity at office workplaces"

10th of June 2015

Two persons sitting at a dynamic workplace, three persons watching them

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Fit seat group
Source: DGUV

Proband being instructed by a trainer

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Source: DGUV

Proband exercising on a dynamic workplace

Source: DGUV

Participants of the workshop whilst testing different dynamic workplaces

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Workshop dynamic workplaces
Source: DGUV

Due to the growing number of office and VDU workplaces, increasing numbers of workers are affected by a lack of physical activity and permanent sitting at work and the associated health effects. As active breaks and leisure time activities alone might not be sufficient to compensate work-related physical inactivity, new concepts are needed that combine light physical activity with the performance of office tasks.

On 10th June 2015 the Institut für Arbeitsschutz der DGUV (IFA), research institute of the German Social Accident Insurance, hosted an international workshop on the topic of "Prevention of physical inactivity at office workplaces". The event was organized jointly with the Statutory Accident Insurance Institution in charge (Unfallkasse Post und Telekom). The workshop was geared towards scientists, practitioners, manufacturers and users of dynamic office workplaces as well as to ergonomists and occupational physicians. Participants were invited to exchange on the latest state of the art in the field of prevention of physical inactivity at office workplaces, including innovative design solutions and their implementation at company level.

The presentations from the workshop are available for download:

Further information

IFA Report 4/2014: Untersuchung dynamischer Büroarbeitsplätze
(in German only)